Lord David & Lady Tia's
 2004 Spiritual Anarchist Beltane Experience
 Page #4 of 4

 updated 4-23-05

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The new May Queen and King selection and the Maypole dance
The new May Queen and King were selected and adorned. She was treated like a Sacred Queen that is to embody the Goddess this whole next year and has been very involved.

Drumming and dancing to wind the magick of the Maypole

Maypole #2
As usual, it was just a matter of time that the men were found out for the crafty jerks they are (with the help of my telling Tia the truth about the first pole), and Hell broke loose. A lot of people were pissed that this had to come out and ruin a perfectly good weekend. The first pole was burned that night in the Beltane-fire. A new live tree was taken to appease the Goddess. They made a shorter set of ribbons for the kids to dance the Maypole before the adults get a chance to tangle up the longer ribbons.

Thanks for taking the time to visit our 2004 Spiritual Anarchist Beltane Celebration picture pages. May the Goddess be with you. Blessed be.


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 Or click below to read about the controversy
 of the 2004 Beltane Celebration




To D. M. R.

To the Web Master


A few words about personal Web Etiquette